3 tips to associate your brand with an event

Smart marketers know how crucial branding is. It goes so much further than a logo and a colour scheme, it's what makes what you're trying to say to people resonate with them and allow them to relate to your business. But an organisation with a sound approach to branding will not just think about the business as a whole. There are times when the business brand is not fit for purpose, and this is not a failure of the work you have done to build it, it is just a matter of circumstance. Let's focus on 3 tips to associate your brand with an event.

Don't downplay the digital

In the past, there was probably a bit of a stigma associated with virtual events. A webinar was somehow less important than attending a one-day conference at an event venue. But nowadays, your event will not be sneered at, because it is only online. So don't hide it, or even downplay it. Be upfront and proud that you are holding your event virtually. Show what makes it great. Talk about how you make it unique, the things you're going to do that you couldn't do in person. Organising an event online no longer means that it is inferior to another event. It probably makes it more appealing to a lot of people, so link it to your brand.

Crowdsource your marketing material

Participants in your event can be a goldmine of valuable marketing material. If you have organised similar events before and already have a following, ask past participants to post photos or videos of the event. Don't forget to ask them to use the hashtag of your event. Nothing is more convincing than memories of your event from real guests. If this is your first event, don't worry. Instead, you can run a contest where potential guests can submit photos and videos on a topic related to your event and tag them with your event hashtag. This is a great way to generate buzz about the event on social media. Winners can get free tickets, drink vouchers or other gifts.

Embrace social networks

No guide to event promotion would be complete without mention of social media. However, it is not enough to know that these social media sites exist. You should learn how to leverage them to your advantage. The most important thing is to stick to a few key channels rather than trying to be everywhere and spreading yourself too thin. Your audience probably has a favourite social channel, so that is a good place to start.

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